Today is my elder daughter’s bridal shower. When I woke up this morning I thought of the day about six weeks after her birth when we called upon the Lord to heal her. She was born while I was studying in Münster, Germany. She was born in the University Hospital, the same hospital where Raisa Gorbachev received treatment after diagnosed with cancer. We were still living in South Africa and we asked that our baby be vaccinated against tuberculosis, not knowing that the organism in the vaccine was not sufficiently weakened. Our little baby developed a growing tuberculosis abscess.
We called Pastor Lehndorf, the pastor of a small Pentecostal church where we worshiped. He and his wife came and prayed for our little one. It was a Saturday afternoon and they stayed with our daughter so that we could get a little rest. On Monday morning the doctor was amazed at the healing – he mentioned that he had planned to operate, but it was no longer necessary. On Tuesday morning our firstborn went home with us!
The words of Psalm 30 gained new meaning for us:
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
and you have healed me …
Psalm 30 is also true for you, dear Reader. Call upon the Lord and He will turn your “mourning into dancing” (verse 11). The picture above allows us to experience the wonder of the early morning. It may be fall (as we can see from the colored leaves), but every morning is fresh and new and with God full of hope! Yes, “weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.”